If you're not located near any of our showrooms, or simply prefer buying online, you can do so with a 100% satisfaction guarantee you can feel safe in your decision that you are buying from a reputable company.

Custom Ica design
Like any other online shopping site, add the rugs to your cart and proceed to the check out. A minimum deposit of 50% is required to confirm your order if it is a custom rug. Stock rugs require the full amount before being processed and express delivered to you.
Choose from a wide array of designs and a beautiful colour range or design your own for our own highly skilled artisans to handcraft.

Custom coloured Marcel rugHere at The Rug Establishment, we offer a wide range of rugs online where you can browse our stock collection by colour, size, fibre or style, like classics, floral and geometric. We have all you need including warranty details, a preferred cleaner network and a care guide.