Our expert artisans are meticulously finishing this grand Elegance rug which has taken 4 months to make by hand in India. Making a rug using traditional hand knotting methods to produce a masterpiece that is unsurpassed for beauty and durability is a laborious process that can’t be rushed. Most of our rugs are made in the region of Bhadohi in India, also known as Carpet City. With weaving traditions dating back to the 16th century, Bhadohi is home to the largest hand knotted carpet weaving industry hub in South Asia.

The finishing stage seen in this behind-the-scenes shot includes shaving the entire rug with a special machine, separating the patterns and colours, creating the high and low piles if needed, pulling out loose fibres with tweezers and binding the rug with a needle and thread! The client who ordered this spectacular rug is going to be absolutely delighted.
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