Did you know that there are other places you can display your rugs besides the floor? While this may surprise some people, many won't find this a new concept. Hanging rugs on walls are commonly found in trendy restaurants, hotels, foyers and grand homes.

Although rugs may be new to the art scene, they are now holding their own. With the depth of colour, textures, materials and techniques that can be used, you can have your own stunning rug art piece customised to your own needs.

Placing rugs on walls can create warmth, absorb sound and add colour. They add a shot of vibrancy to your walls as well as loads of personality. If wall hangings aren’t for you and you prefer to keep rugs on the ground, The Rug Establishment can help you customise your own floor art.

Customised rugs for floors and walls are available in The Rug Establishment's showrooms in Waterloo; Sydney, Newstead; Brisbane and Claremont; Perth. If you are in Melbourne, you can find The Rug Establishment’s exclusive luxury rug range or customise your own rug at Grant Dorman; Hawthorn East and in Stepney; Adelaide by visiting the Abbode showroom.