Our latest selection of custom rugs showcases just a few examples of what we can create for you. Custom rugs can be a new take on one of our stock rugs like a different colour, size or shape. You can also go for a full custom rug with a new design, just get in touch and send through an image. Here is some inspiration to get you started!

Custom Aristate rug

Custom design rug

Custom design rug

Custom round Haboku rug

Custom Balloons rug

Custom design rug

Custom Aladdin rug

Custom Whistler rug

Custom Panama hall runner with Trigno carving
Head to our Custom & Bespoke page to see our library of designs available for customisation. Then click on our Online Design tool to start designing your own rug!
Make sure you follow our Instagram page for more recent images and take a look at our gallery for inspiration on hall runners, round rugs, living room rugs, dining room rugs and bedroom rugs too!