Pantone has proudly announced its new colour of the year!
Viva Magenta 18-1750, vibrates with vim and vigour. It is a shade rooted in nature descending from the red family and expressive of a new signal of strength.

Viva Magenta is brave and fearless, a pulsating colour which promotes a joyous and optimistic celebration.
Viva Magenta is a new animated red tone that revels in pure joy and encourages experimentation. Whilst many people are scared to use this tone in view of its bold and energetic nature there are others who are drawn to it for the very same reasons. Pantone wants to bring it to the forefront this year to welcome anyone and everyone with the same verve for life and rebellious spirit.

What to pair with this new colour?
Being a vivid colour it is best to compliment its application with lighter tones such as the
graph below [magenta being the 4th colour in this wheel].

It is easily paired with cooler tones like light blues or greens but also works well with taupes, beige and musk variations.

Visit your local showroom to see all the perfect pairing rugs we have on offer for your new favourite colour.